So ends the first week of my second semester of college, even though its only Thursday it still feels like the end because I only have one class tomorrow for less than an hour and then my weekend begins. I wasn’t planning on doing a blog today until I went to my Health class, but I will get to that in a little bit. The classes I am taking are: Interpersonal Communication, General Biology: Cell to organism (with Lab), Personal communication (or its community because all it shows me is “Comm”) health, and Music Fundamentals. So far I love all of my classes and have high hopes for all of them especially Music fundamentals.
In the General Biology: Cell to Organism class I was nervous because I planned on taking just a General Bio class but it was filled so I thought I picked a class that was a lesser class. It turns out the regular General bio is lesser while the one I am taking is for majors, which is exactly what I wanted. The Interpersonal class is self explanatory and same with the health class. In my Music Fundamentals every is going fine because I have a leg up on some people because they don’t know how to read sheet music yay for me! but I think its going to be really fun because on Tuesdays its just lecture while on Thursdays (today) is a performance appointment where we play some things on the piano for him then the rest of the time we can just fiddle around on the piano till the end of class.
Anyway now to explain the main reason for this blog. So in Health class we talked about how we are going to have to change a bad behavior of ours for a class project, and one of the steps is going public with your resolution because it is shown that those who go public with it have better chances of success which sounds good to me. I plan on doing two things that will help each other, I plan on losing a bunch of weight, and each more fruits and vegetables (Which I have been doing pretty good about doing). So there it is and to set a realistic goal I have planned to have this done by AT LEAST the end of this semester.
I planned on doing homework between school and work but alas it is time to get ready for work... But I love you all (who ever reads this) and I hope you have a good day.
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