Friday, January 8, 2010

Blog: New Years Edition

*Sigh* Its a new year and a new slate. Even though I have made resolutions, they weren’t made for the new year, they were made as my life goes on because I believe that saying “This year I am going to ______” is very important but so is making mini resolution (or larger ones) all year around. I just hope my 2010 resolutions won’t turn into a 2011 resolution. Which reminds me that it feels sort like a fail when you have to do that for a couple of years in a row *cough* *cough*. But hopefully this year will be the final year for that resolution *fingers crossed*. Sadly the transition from 2009 to 2010 was filled with despair not because of the news years party, which was fun, but because I was afraid that I was going to be expelled from college and possibly be in jail =[.
This is how the story goes. On December 29, 2009 I received a letter from IHCC (Inver Hills Community College) saying that they received a letter from Warner Bros, and yes that is the warner bros the movie company, saying that they had information of movie infringement from my laptop. That is that they technically caught me downloading movies off the internet. Even though I downloaded the movies I thought I was doing it legally because I paid a website for the privilege to download movies which said “100% legal”, which I now realize that was a scam. So I called because it said i needed to set up a meeting with the dean of IHCC to discuses this. Of course I started to freak out because I might be expelled and/or go to jail and owe WB millions of dollars. When I called no one was there so I left a message saying that I needed to set up a meeting. They returned my call on January 4 so this meant that I spent the next 7 days trying to pull my hair out, people who saw me on New Years Eve can attest to that. So then we set up a meeting on January 6. I went in hoping the dean wasn’t a jerk who punishes people who didn’t do anything wrong. Then the time came at 10:04 AM I entered his office where we talked. I explained what happened and 20 minutes later I left the office as happy as I could ever be because:
A)I wasn’t trouble and just gave me a warning
B)WB did not ask for my name so they are not going to give it to them
C)This will never be on my record and the only people who will know about this incident will be him and his IT team (and of course the people reading this right now)

So I am sure you can understand how relieved I was. Of course the happiness died down when I had to say good bye to my favorite brother Patrick Decker. It is sort of sad that in 3 days I will be back in college while most of my friends of at least another week to themselves BA! HUMBUG! I don’t hate them I just envy them. I sincerely hope that I will have as much fun as I did last semester and FYI I had straight B’s which is a curse and a blessing at the same time... I guess

Now I have to go to work and it might be boring so make my day brighter by stoping by or even a little text would be nice (651-247-4723) =] Stephen AWAAAAY!

PS: I love my new hair but it seems like everyday that goes by it gets more dull =[

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