Wednesday, September 15, 2010

WOW It has been a while

When I said I would take a break from this for the summer I meant it. So not much is going on in my life just taking 18 credits this semester (Calculus, Chemistry, Microbiology, and Ethics), and I am working about 33 hours a week saving up for next year. You might be asking what special about next year? Well since you asked I plan on the BIG move next summer. I plan on applying to College of Biological Sciences (CBS) at the U at which point I hope I will be excepted into the program, the next thing on my list is to finally move out of the house and into my own living quarters, which reminds me I need people to live with me to cut down on living costs because It costs an arm and a leg to live by yourself. And for the cherry on top I am going to finally crawl out of the hole called Dairy Queen and get a job near the U or near my new residence. I have a lot more to say but I am going to be late for class so I will hit you all up later PEACE!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

20 down 40 to go

So as of today I have now last 20 pounds although I am happy about it, believe me I am, that is only a third of the way there though =[. I am hoping to reach my goal by, at least, the end of the summer I hope. On another note not a lot has happened since my last post, my work load at school and at my job have definitely picked up with a paper due this week, another due in two weeks, a research paper due in three weeks, and a group presentation due in three weeks. I really want to get started on them so it doesn’t pile up on the last minute but it is really hard. And I am working, on average, 35 hours a week which can be tiresome but at least I am making a nice chunk of change =]. Also it leaves less time for me. Which is alright because I haven’t hung out with anyone since Pat left. This has been on my mind for quite some time I am not going to name any names but it has been a while since I have seen some people and I have been trying to hang out with them but they seems to have other things to do. I am going to make this relatively short and brief because I am tired and I have to wake up in 5 hours... fun times... Good night and Good luck stephen out!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Battle versus Boredom/MacJournal/Road Rules/Two Movies

        I am using a new application from it is a great bundle with the application called MacJournal and it is a great application. So this week is spring break week which is fitting because the snow has been melting all week and people are shedding layers the only problem I have is that I have no plans for this week and I might spend it being bored. So I am starting a battle versus boredom which means I might be calling you very soon, and if no one can do anything then I must do something myself, and I will under no circumstance be bored this week!
        So I thought up a new system while driving a few days ago and that is the threat system. Essentially I made this up while driving when someone cut me off then they slowed down and because they slowed down I missed a green light which I could made if they didn’t slow down so I called this a triple foul. These are fouls in the game of driving there will be more in the future but so far I have thought of those three 1) Getting cut off 2)The car in front of you is going below the speed limit 3) Miss a green light because of the car in front of you. I know this is random but it helps me become a better driver because I don’t want to foul someone else.
        I watched to movies in the past two days which were both very good. The first one was Ponyo which is a Hayao Miyazaki film and is true to his name, full of beautiful animation and a great fantasy story line. The only beef I have with it is the sudden ending I wish it could have showed a little bit more. The second movie I watched was the new animated movie Dante’s inferno. It is loosely based on the story of a man named Dante going through the nine circles of hell. I say it is loosely based, even though i have not read the book I have been told, because in the book Dante is simply touring through hell but in the movie is battling his way through hell. It is an eye opening plot because it gives us a good image of what hell will be like. I do have to warn people that this is a very violent and bloody movie and it does have scenes of nudity so this is not for the people who don’t like violence.
        So as I begin my battle versus boredom I will first have to get ready for the day so I might text you some time today, so be aware and make some room in your busy schedule.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I lost ten pounds!

So great news everyone As of today I have lost 10 pounds and feeling good about it. It has been so long since I made a blog almost a month, I told myself I would make a new blog at least once every other week. Any way nothing is really interestingly new, the only note worthy thing is that I went to my first college party. It’s sad I know. Now that I have experienced it I find that the atmosphere is... adictive. I could say more about this past month but then that means I would have nothing to say in future. Ok my past month wasn’t that bad actually it just could have been better.

I want to end on a brain teaser: What would the children from peanuts talk like when they become parent? you know the “waa waa” sound.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

If anyone is reading this thank you

So I am really excited for my classes because all of them are life changing classes. Two of my classes makes me want to be a better person, my communications class makes me want to be a better person on the inside and to be more assertive, and my health class makes me want to be a better person on the outside. My Music fundamentals has already stirred my musical pot because even though it is mainly just review for me he shows us songs with stuff we had just learned so I have been strengthening my ear-training which is something I have always wanted to do. I don’t know if I mentioned this in a previous blog but my music teacher was a teacher from the U of M so I have high hopes it as if I go to the U. Of course thats just me trying to make the decision of going to inver look like it was a good one, so what I am in denial. Biology is the exception that it is not life changing but hopefully it will pick up.
So I can’t help to notice that I am home usually doing nothing like today because my friends are busy doing there own thing which makes me feel lonely. I just hope their schedules start to be less cluttered so I can fit in there (I don’t want to sound selfish cause I would like tot think that I am not). So that is all on my mind for today I just wanted to do this because if you put something aside for too long it will end up forgotten.

PS - I am going to make a series of Blogs sometime soon called “Served Soft: a blog about an under payed and under appreciated DQ worker” The title speaks for it self but it will focus on the mental damage it has done on me and my fellow co-workers.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Step 4: Going Public

So ends the first week of my second semester of college, even though its only Thursday it still feels like the end because I only have one class tomorrow for less than an hour and then my weekend begins. I wasn’t planning on doing a blog today until I went to my Health class, but I will get to that in a little bit. The classes I am taking are: Interpersonal Communication, General Biology: Cell to organism (with Lab), Personal communication (or its community because all it shows me is “Comm”) health, and Music Fundamentals. So far I love all of my classes and have high hopes for all of them especially Music fundamentals.
In the General Biology: Cell to Organism class I was nervous because I planned on taking just a General Bio class but it was filled so I thought I picked a class that was a lesser class. It turns out the regular General bio is lesser while the one I am taking is for majors, which is exactly what I wanted. The Interpersonal class is self explanatory and same with the health class. In my Music Fundamentals every is going fine because I have a leg up on some people because they don’t know how to read sheet music yay for me! but I think its going to be really fun because on Tuesdays its just lecture while on Thursdays (today) is a performance appointment where we play some things on the piano for him then the rest of the time we can just fiddle around on the piano till the end of class.
Anyway now to explain the main reason for this blog. So in Health class we talked about how we are going to have to change a bad behavior of ours for a class project, and one of the steps is going public with your resolution because it is shown that those who go public with it have better chances of success which sounds good to me. I plan on doing two things that will help each other, I plan on losing a bunch of weight, and each more fruits and vegetables (Which I have been doing pretty good about doing). So there it is and to set a realistic goal I have planned to have this done by AT LEAST the end of this semester.
I planned on doing homework between school and work but alas it is time to get ready for work... But I love you all (who ever reads this) and I hope you have a good day.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

RIP winter break 2009/2010

It is said that today is the last day of my winter break *tear*. Well this semester will be a little easier because I am only taking 13 credits I could take more but my laziness wins this battle. At least I have a week to exchange my classes or add one but definitely not drop one. One thing that has been surging through my head all day while I was over-hauling my room because sam has a bunch of stuff stuffed in all the nooks and crannies, and that was trying to get more responsibility by getting my own place. I really want to get my own place because I think it would be great to have my own place where I cook my own meals and clean up after everything I do, which I think is a great way to express my freedom. I mean seriously that would be the best thing to happen to me *sigh*. It just feels right to just get up and go, and it is for the right reason this time. All the previous times I wanted to move out it was for the wrong reasons, it was to run away from my problems, but now it is to help fortify my future. Holler! haha I don’t know why but it felt like a holler moment so Holler Back if you know how I feel!
Anyway I gotta get ready for tomorrow peace out!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Blog: New Years Edition

*Sigh* Its a new year and a new slate. Even though I have made resolutions, they weren’t made for the new year, they were made as my life goes on because I believe that saying “This year I am going to ______” is very important but so is making mini resolution (or larger ones) all year around. I just hope my 2010 resolutions won’t turn into a 2011 resolution. Which reminds me that it feels sort like a fail when you have to do that for a couple of years in a row *cough* *cough*. But hopefully this year will be the final year for that resolution *fingers crossed*. Sadly the transition from 2009 to 2010 was filled with despair not because of the news years party, which was fun, but because I was afraid that I was going to be expelled from college and possibly be in jail =[.
This is how the story goes. On December 29, 2009 I received a letter from IHCC (Inver Hills Community College) saying that they received a letter from Warner Bros, and yes that is the warner bros the movie company, saying that they had information of movie infringement from my laptop. That is that they technically caught me downloading movies off the internet. Even though I downloaded the movies I thought I was doing it legally because I paid a website for the privilege to download movies which said “100% legal”, which I now realize that was a scam. So I called because it said i needed to set up a meeting with the dean of IHCC to discuses this. Of course I started to freak out because I might be expelled and/or go to jail and owe WB millions of dollars. When I called no one was there so I left a message saying that I needed to set up a meeting. They returned my call on January 4 so this meant that I spent the next 7 days trying to pull my hair out, people who saw me on New Years Eve can attest to that. So then we set up a meeting on January 6. I went in hoping the dean wasn’t a jerk who punishes people who didn’t do anything wrong. Then the time came at 10:04 AM I entered his office where we talked. I explained what happened and 20 minutes later I left the office as happy as I could ever be because:
A)I wasn’t trouble and just gave me a warning
B)WB did not ask for my name so they are not going to give it to them
C)This will never be on my record and the only people who will know about this incident will be him and his IT team (and of course the people reading this right now)

So I am sure you can understand how relieved I was. Of course the happiness died down when I had to say good bye to my favorite brother Patrick Decker. It is sort of sad that in 3 days I will be back in college while most of my friends of at least another week to themselves BA! HUMBUG! I don’t hate them I just envy them. I sincerely hope that I will have as much fun as I did last semester and FYI I had straight B’s which is a curse and a blessing at the same time... I guess

Now I have to go to work and it might be boring so make my day brighter by stoping by or even a little text would be nice (651-247-4723) =] Stephen AWAAAAY!

PS: I love my new hair but it seems like everyday that goes by it gets more dull =[